Find Healing and Magic Within Yourself.
This March, we are diving into the book “Journey To The Heart,” by Melody Beattie.
March 1 - the theme of this entry is ‘the healing and magic we seek are not someplace else. They are within each of us.’
At first reading, it feels very wholistic, and spiritual - one of those quotes you see and like on Instagram. But let’s dive in for a moment…when you read it, do you feel it? Do you believe it? What was the first thing that popped into your mind?
We are all on a journey to find the place we feel special and safe. We have all made an assumption we have found that in another person, or even in a place we visit. It’s not to say we don’t experience that but have you ever thought of that place as you? When you’re alone, with your thoughts and nothing else, do you feel safe? Do you feel magical?
In your journal, write down all the things you like about yourself. Make a quick list, without overthinking it.
Now take that list, using all the descriptive words you chose, and write it into an ad for an Air BnB or a destination location. Get creative, have fun with it! Does it sound like somewhere you’d like to go?
Guess what??!! You’re already there! ;)
If you’d like to share your ad or thoughts with someone outside of your head and journal you’re always welcome to email
And know our journey to seeing and feeling our ‘own magic,’ is always evolving.