Treasure Your Experiences.

Melody writes “Having experiences is called living. Sharing experiences is called loving. Let yourself enjoy both.”

I love this one. I feel I need constant reminders to enjoy the little things along the way. I can get very tunnel-driven and focused on an outcome that I forget to love all the bits along the way. Are you like that? It’s not a new concept to hear by any means but we need to keep hearing it and hearing it and hearing it. That’s sort of why this month is why I started this 31 days of sharing and connection. It’s going to be a busy month and I want to stay grounded. I find that easier to do when I have a task for it…welcome to this (and I hope it helps you too).

Let’s take some time in our journals today to reflect on our experiences in 2024 thus far;

  • What experiences have you had?

  • What have you shared?

  • Who have you connected with?

  • Where have you been?

  • What has felt joyful? (and what has been the opposite)

Don’t judge yourself on what this list may look like. It’s not too full or too empty. It’s not right or wrong. It just is. Celebrate it. And know, we still have the rest of the year (and life for that matter) to keep adding to it.

*Extra challenge of this week….share an experience with someone else.

Click here for your daily meditation.


One Step At A Time.


Value Your Past.