Autumn Release
We recently held an autumn release workshop where we gathered together in community for sound healing, reiki, and guided meditation. At the end of this workshop we took some time to journal and burn release as we transition into our fall time and the connection to Earth and grounding.
1. Blessings of the past year.
The Autumn Equinox has always been during harvest time and often symbolizes the final harvest of the year. It’s a time to celebrate summer’s abundance.
What abundance did you have this summer? Jot down some of the blessings you received and the gratitude you have for them.
2. Those deeply personal harvests.
What comes to mind for you when you’re asked about the things you’ve been tending and nurturing of late?
Bring to mind the externals…projects, courses, devotions, rituals and creations … What projects have you brought to life? What are some of the things you’ve done that you’re proud of?
Now bring to mind the internals…What have you been working on just for you? Meditation practice…yoga once a week…being in nature more…And do you feel that you’ve grown since the beginning of the year?
3. Celebrate YOU.
Ok, take a look back at what you’ve just written. Sit with it. Celebrate it. That’s something! Right there in your own writing.
Now, write a little love note to yourself and share how proud you are of all of this. Talk to yourself in the EXACT same language you would if you were writing your friend or a loved one. Express all your emotions here to yourself.
4. How is your balance feeling?
#Funfact the Autumn Equinox is one of only two days throughout the year when the Earth is in perfect balance.
So reflect now on what areas of your life to you feel really well balanced? (and know that balance is subjective to how you feel - it doesn’t have to look like a perfect scale if you drew it out)
Where do you feel like you’re absolutely killin’ it right now?
Where do you feel out of balance or off-kilter? Why do you think that feels this way?
Is there something you can do to alter that back? An action item?
5. The Art of Letting Go.
In the Fall we are given this beautiful visual of change. An artistic flourish of life and death ultimately. But also with a knowing…that this death is required for new life to join us in the Spring.
When was the last time you viewed this life and death change when it comes to SELF. To experience new Soul growth, we need to let go of our old leaves–old patterns and habits that no longer serve us.
What are you ready to let go of? What do you need to release in order for new life to grow?
Write it (or them) down on a piece of paper. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in…then release it. Light this piece of paper on fire and as you watch it burn say to yourself (and Universe)…