Your Dreams Are Important.
“There’s power in dreaming, whether we’re asleep or awake. Take time to honour and express your dreams,” writes Melody Beattie.
What are your dreams like? (Mine are mostly crazy lol) Lately, I have been trying to really tap into how I feel after a dream. But I love how this passage tells us how dreams are a powerful form of consciousness. Melody also writes how the dreams we have in our minds while we sleep can hold many clues to life, growth, the future, the past, healing, and our connections with others. How they may reveal suppressed emotions. Maybe even bits of prophecy and symbols of truth.
Our waking dreams include our expectations, wants, desires, hopes - our heart’s plan for the future.
How have you felt when you’ve woke from a dream lately? That’s your next journal “assignment.” Write down how you feel after the next dream…you don’t have to remember the dream details just the feelings. Write them down…and then tap into where that feeling is showing up or maybe being avoided. :)