Let Your Sexuality Be Connected To Your Heart.

“Be done with sexual shame. Trust your body and what it likes. We aren’t disconnected parts. Open up. Discover your sexuality. Let it be connected to your heart.” (Melody Beattie)

Juicy one! Excited to start a conversation and exploration into this topic. Your sexuality is one of the most beautiful things about you. You. I’m talking to YOU.

Embracing sexuality is one of the biggest lessons in my life, and I’m still a full-time student. (for life!) How does sexuality land for you? Sensuality? Do you know what you like? Are you comfortable in expressing that? And I don’t just mean in the act/expression/exchange of intercourse, I mean your sexuality - the full spectrum of your sensual expression, the energy you carry in your body, your desires of all kinds.

What story starts to play for you around this topic? Write it down. When finished - reread it. Is it your voice or something you were taught? Is it truth or someone’s projection onto you? What do you believe about it? Are you talking that way with your kids or partners or friends?

The days of sexual shame are over my lovelies. I promise you it’s a backpack full of rocks that you no longer need to carry. Listen to your heart.

Click here for today’s meditation.


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