Benefits of Journalling
You hear about journalling all the time these days. It’s one of the new “cools.” (Heck, it’s even promoted by Matthew McConaughey!) It’s one of the easiest and most cost-effective mental health tools available to us.
There are so many benefits, including scientific ones, to why you should start, continue, or pick that pen back up. In fact, there’s an article in Psychology Today that breaks down ten good reasons to journal. From lowering stress to tapping into creativity.
Often, I think we are overwhelmed by where to start or how. Truthfully, journalling is a simple as collecting thoughts in a notebook or even in your phone. You can make it as big or little as you want. The important thing is the way it provides you opportunity to really see what’s happening with YOU. Your thoughts, your worries, your goals, your feelings, everything.
New York Times writer, Hayley Phelan shares her personal journey into journalling and how it helped her to navigate a number of areas in her life.
Don’t let those clear white pages scare you. Start to doodle on the page if you need something to get started. Write down three things you’re grateful for from your day. Anything goes.
As you progress, but still find you could use some support - consider purchasing a guided journal to help prompt you….or even google “journalling prompt ideas” and you will be given a number of suggestions.
In our #SelfLoveSummer challenge right now, we encourage you to write about the one you love the most…YOU. Even if that feels a bit sticky right now, the more you do it, the easier it flows. (We promise).
Happy Journalling.
xo Jody and Jess